Ukraine: The Humanitarian Catastrophe


Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 12:00pm to 12:30pm


Presented by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health jointly with The World from PRX & GBH. Hosted by the Harvard Chan Studio

With the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, a massive humanitarian crisis threatens millions of lives. Droves of people have already fled Ukraine. Those who remain face an array of traumas from armed conflict to hobbled health care services to lack of heat, water, electricity, and food. What are the greatest humanitarian challenges right now, and what can be done to help?

Join Michael VanRooyen, director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, for a free, live-streamed Q&A with Elana Gordon of The World. Email your questions. 


Elana Gordon
Reporter and Producer, The World  (@Elana_Gordon)


Michael VanRooyen
Director, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Harvard University, and Chairman of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital