Joshua Drake

Joshua Drake

Josh Drake Headshot

Josh is an MD, MPH dual degree candidate at Tufts University School of Medicine and was an intern for the Emergency Health Systems Program. After graduating from the University of California, Santa Barbara, he worked as an EMT at the Muhimbili Emergency Medicine Department in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and later as an Emergency Medical Services advisor and trainer at one of the few EMS companies in the region. In collaboration with Tanzanian emergency physicians, he designed and developed the “Okoa Maisha Save a Life Initiative” in Dar es Salaam, which trains public transportation drivers in aspects of basic first aid for people injured in road traffic accidents. After medical school, Josh plans to pursue a general surgery residency and hopes to continue working abroad, particularly with vulnerable populations affected by disaster, war, and famine.

Internship Duration: Summer 2021 - Summer 2023

Alumni Year Completed