Jessica Angel

Jessica Angel

Jessica Angel Headshot

As a graduate research assistant for the Transitional Justice Program, Jessica helped evaluate the effectiveness of transitional justice policies such as prosecutions, truth commissions, and reparations. She also conducted literature reviews and draft memos to design better policy that addresses the complex needs of survivors of violence. Jessica Angel is a Master in Public Policy candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School. Throughout her employment and leadership positions, she has been driven to shed light on social justice issues relating to human rights, representation, and legal accountability. Her research focuses on remedying the disparities in access to justice for victims of marginalized groups in post-conflict settings. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and a B.S. in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Outside of HKS, Jessica is the executive director of a nonprofit called Summit United that provides mentorship to students applying to college from underserved communities.

Internship Duration: Spring 2022 - Fall 2022

Alumni Year Completed